It has been some time since I've updated this blog and shared new work here. Times have been busy but there is a lot in the works and much that has been done...
I would like to announce that my 2nd book, The Vulvic Trans-Missionary, will soon be going to print. There have been a number of trials in getting the book to this stage. A number of edits and revisions. I know I personally have long waited for this and I hope that many of you have as well. For any looking for information on this publication, please see the following...
Being an Illumination of Gnostic Revelation

...a re-imagining of primal myth. Reaching backwards in time to bring forth and present a cohesive ideological perspective upon the perennial creation myth, its point of origin, and its basis in an essential and yet hidden a-cosmic gnosis. A short treatise and examination of the Void as substratum-of-being and an investigation into the mythical and cosmological traditions of various cultures throughout history. Herein offered as a mask, a visage, a vast array of images and prose giving face and voice to the Sacred Feminine as manifestation and personification of Nothingness; the darkness as both womb and tomb of all being.
This is my second book, following the release of Whisperings from the Void: The Amaranthine Arcanum of Holy Image and Revealed Exegesis, and is also being released through:
The work is approx. 130 pages, with over 40 illustrations displaying via image a number of arcana meant to reify a number of mysteries adumbrating an understanding of the Goddess and Divine Feminine as the substratum of all creation. The main body of this work is The Vulvic Trans-Missionary, which is a 33 verse prose piece, detailing via the mask of words, a personal philosophy that comes from a direct experience with the subject matter contained therein. This work, by way of a fortuitous turn, contains a Foreword written by Shani Oates, as well. One which I feel does great justice to the work and would have, in some ways, been incomplete without it. I am also indebted to my dear friend and Brother-in-Arte, Gabriel McCaughry, of Anathema Publishing, for his help with image enhancement that added the finishing touches to the work.
The entire work is composed of four chapters:
Foreword: An Infernal Paean...
(Which was lovingly and graciously penned by Shani Oates. I am ever thankful for her contribution to this work. Her words contribute to a much greater understanding and overall elucidation of my own work. )
Historia Nihilo...
(Which is a 31 page essay describing in detail the meaning and purpose behind The Vulvic Trans-Missionary as an overall work, and examines the perennial myth, inherent in a number of cultures and societies throughout time, of the Void, as both beginning and ending of all creation. The Great Cauldron of all time and of all space. The ever spacious and all consuming mystery of the Goddess as the Embodiment of the Dark and of the Night, of the Abyss. Along with this essay appears a series of four illustrations that are collectively known as The Vessels of the Void.)
The Vulvic Trans-Missionary..
(This chapter is where the book takes its title, and is comprised of a series of 33 verses that are as a whole known as The Vulvic Trans-Missionary. Together they seek to illuminate a dark gnosis that has become known to me over the years and through my personal praxis with Her, the Goddess, the Divine Feminine, known by names innumerable. Companion to this section is a series of illustrations known as The Spectral Effigies, 33 in number. Along side each verse is also what has come to called The Pictograms of the Void and are meant to function as sacred keys to doors that lead forth unto vistas of the soul and of spirit.)
A Rite of the Darkness Illuminated...
(The book concludes with a ritual known as A Rite of the Darkness Illuminated and is, in effect, a devotional to the immenseness of Her and of one's obeisance to Her law. Wherein we return to the pivotal moment of inception within Her being to acknowledge the Divine Light within our own beings, and come to face Her as the dark and sublime mirror that shows us the truth of ourselves.)

The pre-order phase for this work has expired but once we know the date that the books will be published and in, there will be an announcement detailing remaining copies that most likely be made available via Aeon Sophia Press' website...
I will also make every effort to update this space, my official website, and other social media platforms that I use.
Important links:
Shadows of Midnight official website.