13 July, 2011

A Soliloquy in the Night....

Listen not to the Voices of the Men of Un-Reason! Listen not to the Voice that issues forth from the Vile Mans Tongue! Listen to the Voice that speaketh not; listen to the Voice of Psyche whom dost reside within thy very Skull!

I will traverse the Inner Kingdoms; I will follow the Light of the One Star! I shall knell before the Altar of the Ancient One of Spirit. I shall raise my voice to the Heavens, even unto the very Depths of the Underworld so that the very Gods themselves shall hear these Words from Silence born.

Within exists a vast Empire of Lost and Ancient Worlds, these are mine by Rite of Birth. Let me seek and let me know the origins of Self, of the I inside; the very Essence of mine own Being.

My Head turns backwards: with an Eye blazing into a Darkness never seen by Human sight!

I pace the Circle in Reverse: I go back to the Beginning! By this Return, I meet my Ending!

By the Elixirs of the Sun and the Moon: I encompass my Self within the Coils of the Serpents-Twain, as ONE within the Light and the Darkness. I am the God and I am the Goddess: here in within my Body do They both reign in Unity.

May the Darkest-Light-Eternal shine forth from that which I am!

I go within to find the Reflections of those Things that are without.

Here I make my Oath to know!

That all things: here in my Body do reside. I am the Wind that sweeps across the Barren Desert to awaken, to arouse that which as fallen into a sleep Un-Divine! I am the Fire that gives Life to that whos Stars have grown dim in the War against Adversity! I am the Water that flows forth to quench tthe thirst of those that have been consigned unto the Pyre by those who lack Understanding! I am the Earth that shall lift up all that has ever been and will sustain all that shall ever be!

Here in this Place within the Sacred Precincts of Time and Space I mark the Point from which ALL shall flow. Here I am the King of my own Kingdom: to learn, to bless, to blight, to consecrate, to experience all of that which I AM!

The Soul is as Eternal as the Sun! Never does it wane in strength. It is only our Sight that betrays us. From my mouth flows Words of Truth. I speak with a Tongue of Fire!

I am here within this Present Moment: the NOW! No other exists but this.

All that I have ever been and all that I will ever be is manifest in this my Body. My Flesh is the Mask of my own Essence: a symbol when deciphered reveals Eternity. If "I" am merely a Mask of I, then all that I have become comes from I:EYE. Indeed there is no other but I! I is Eternal, yet given unto Birth and with Birth Death shall surely follow, yet still live the I:EYE. I am neither Past nor the Future - I am reborn anew each Moment.

The Pole dances with Possibilities-Infinite...in the Twilight of the Gods do I dance the Forgotten Paths.

Birth is the Beginning of the Dream and Death it's Ending, but there is THAT which dreams the Dream and fears neither Birth nor Death, but revels in LIFE - it is Eternal!

~Patrick John Larabee

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