22 June, 2010

...all is not as it seems...

...everything is but a seeming...

...even I...

...and when one realises that all is but a seeming, one of two things happens: one either seems to see all as simply shells, bereft of any inherent light, an animal being animalistic, waiting and running from death, or they see that the seeming is informed by a massive absolute consciousness acting through what seems to be reality, and at the level of individuality at that; what an amazing concept - to see all as interactions of absolute consciousness interacting with itself through individualised manifestations, imagine god meeting god through the shaking of two mens hands, or the meeting of lips of lovers, or two children playing in a sand box...

Maybe this is the true difference between being "human" and BEING HUMAN!

...and here is the difference between a good magus and a bad: one uses the seeming, the plastic, moldable reality, to create harmony and create peace, becoming and evolution, and the other uses it to create facades, personas, with which to deceive people and create illusions for seflish ends, and to simply sow discord, where one who has true power could just as equally create harmony...it's all about intent, and also of whether that intent is obvious or veiled...

...both the inner and the outer world: yet, and because of this, there is what seems to be a single autonomous entity, that is capable of watching both the inner and outer realities unfold, develope and evolve, and yet is touched by neither, so both are but a seeming and each veiling a truth that is but another veil, another seeming...ever onward to and forever through the Mystery of Unfolding Night!

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