The First for the Land itself,
the Rocks of the Ground,
the Stone and Flint of the Earth,
to Sands and Soils from the Seven Lands of the World,
to the Dust of the Desert and the Moist of the Mire,
to the Lowland Valley and the Crowned Crag,
to the Monumental Mountains whom in
their Magnificence remind of Titan Times,
to you the Gnomes and to you the Dwarves
whom hew the Sacred Earth Light,
to Crystal Stars of Deepest Caverns Black,
to the Emeralds and Jewel-stones of the
Hidden Treasures of the Serpent,
and to the All Potent Terra Firma of
the Elder Gods.
To Thee I this Offering surrender:
May I ever grow in the Ways of the Wise-Arts
and the Compact between I, a Child of the Serpent, and
the Spirits of Sethos-True wax strong.To the Waters of the World,
the Rivers and Streams that nourish the Earth,
and to the Rains of Heaven and the Water of Life,
to each Aqueous Tributary,
each and every one a Skein of Light,
each Glorious Pool in Sun or in Cover of Night,
to every Alluring Lake and Enchanted Pond,
and to the Blessed Undine therein,
to each Elemental Entity and Watery Wight,
to the Waters of Gaea both Deep and Shallow,
to the Twain Power of the Nourishing and the Stagnant,
to the Life Womb of the Ocean blue,
and unto the Hidden Fount of Elphame true.
To Thee I this Offering surrender:
May I ever grow in the Ways of the Wise-Arts
and the Compact between I, a Child of the Serpent, and
the Spirits of Sethos-True wax strong. To you the Aires and Gale of Force,
to Storm both Fierce and Frail,
to the Blowing Breeze and Wailing Wind,
to the Saintly Skies and the Firmament of Space,
to Aethyric Atmosphere O' Mighty Current of Air,
to the Hurricane, the Howling Wind and Tempest,
the Highwinds of Heaven and the Watchers all,
to the Slythe Sylphs and the Spirits of Place,
to the Blessed Blowing that does from the Empyrean fall,
to the Cyclone and Whirlwinds of Power,
to Horrid Torrent that does from the Underworld call,
and to the Breath of Life that sustains the All.
To Thee I this Offering surrender:
May I ever grow in the Ways of the Wise-Arts
and the Compact between I, a Child of the Serpent, and
the Spirits of Sethos-True was strong.The Second for the Green and the Verdant,
to the Kingdoms of Leaf and Wood,
of Seed and Bud that brings forth Fruit,
to Flourishing Flowers in all Earth's Lands,
to the Bush, the Herb and the Foliage,
to the Verdure of Life below
and the Canopy of Forest above,
the Fertile Fields of Farm and Fold,
to the Woodland and the Woodwose,
to the Seedling just sown and
the Tree of Knowledge before our time,
the Holy Gnosis of Heaven Thou dost share
and in secret Man's Burden help bare,
to the Sacred and Blessed Sylvan Spirits,
to the Emerald Energy of the Fae forever resplendant,
to the Dryad Spirits and the Nymph, Elf and Naead,
and unto the Garden True from which our Ancestors
Cain and Calmena grew.
To Thee I this Offering surrender:
May I ever grow in the Ways of the Wise-Arts
and the Compact between I, a Child of the Serpent, and
the Spirits of Sethos-True wax strong.To the Wild and Tameless,
to the Horn'd Beasts of the Forest and the Field,
to the Mighty Stag King and Serpent Cunning,
to the Crawling Creature and the Flying Friend,
the Sacred Flora and Fauna of the Sun Blessed Land,
to the Subtle Hare and the Silent Owl of the Night,
to all the Beasts and to all the Wild Life of the World,
the Fur-bound, the Hide-bound and the Scale-bound,
to the Wilderness where the Divine Light is to be found,
to the Legacy of the Goat and his Kin,
for the Fire of the Absolute that burns within,
to the Sharp of Tooth and to the Butterfly,
to the Master's Flame that draws us ever
nigh to the Woodland Bower.
To Thee I this Offering surrender:
May I ever grow in the Ways of the Wise-Arts
and the Compact between I, a Child of the Serpent, and
the Spirits of Sethos-True wax strong.The Third for They who have Gone afore,
to They who Sleep within the Earthen Floor,
to Familial Lines that run like Threads through the Land,
the Spirits of the Dead and the Spirits of the Unborn,
to Cunning Men and Wise Women of the Times before
and the Wisdom and Knowledge they gathered through Aethyric Doors,
to the Silent Memory of Atavistic Forms,
to the Wardens Past of both the Garden Ground and the Wild Earth,
to the Revelry of Sabbaths Round passed down
and the Light of the Most High cast down upon the Indigo Children,
to the Sacred Traditions and Teachings,
the Old Priests and Priestesses of the Eldritch Ways,
to the Ancestors True and the Dead's Spirit Light,
to the Understanding gathered through the Will of Might,
to the Lore of the Ancients running through Time
ever to Empower the Present Moment,
to the Memory of the Mothers and the Fathers
within whom I wast wrought,
to Custom from Ancient Forebears brought,
to ALL that I am NOW as the Consequence of THEE,
to the Holy Blood within my Veins
and to the Holy Light within my Sight,
to all who Descend from the Heritage of Qayin,
to the Spirits of the Bones bless'd by Lumael Radiant and Bright,
to Them whom from the Tree took the Fruit and Ate,
Themselves to Immolate.
To Thee I this Offering surrender:
May I ever grow in the Ways of the Wise-Arts
and the Compact between I, a Child of the Serpent, and
the Spirits of Sethos-True wax strong.The Fourth is for the Living Flesh and Blood
to the Living whom Walk upon the Land,
to They who have taken up the Bloodied Thread of the Mother,
ever to Walk in the Light of Lilith's Night,
to the Sons and Daughters of the Woodland -Wise
and the Stewards of the Field and Farm,
to the Keepers of the Forest and Grove,
to They who still call upon the Old Gods
and follow the Crooked Paths,
to the Children of the Fiery Serpent of Gnosis,
to They who have kept the Secret secret
and to the Blessed and the Wise,
to each Wise Woman, Wytch, Sorcerer and Cunning Man,
to the Priest and Priestess of the Wytchan Way,
to the Shaman who Flies the World Tree
and the Magician who Fashions the Void,
to the Walkers between the Worlds,
to Them who go Beyond the Hedge for Wisdom to gain,
to the Wisdom-Keepers and the Bearers of Knowledge,
to the Living Kin of Cain to whom Transgression is
the Word and to the Children of the Children of Heaven,
to the Antient Cultus living in the Body of the Wise,
to Cultivate, to Protect, to Perfect the Secret Light,
the Wisdom of the Wise to pass down,
to They who stand as the Living Truth of the
Legacy of Lumael and to They who are
Marked-True the Offspring of the Elder Gods.
To Thee I this Offering surrender:
May I ever grow in the Ways of the Wise-Arts
and the Compact between I, a Child of the Serpent, and
the Spirits of Sethos-True wax strong.By Patrick J. Larabee